24 Dec 10
Drastic cuts announced in October's spending review, whilst achievable, could easily result in chaos to services if not managed appropriately. As the scale of the required savings in local government finally becomes clear, the reality is dawning that...
17 Nov 10
I’m all for devolving work where appropriate. And I’m all for letting people get on with their jobs.But letting people get on with their jobs does not mean letting them do what they like. And it does not mean let them do next to nothing.
17 Nov 10
Managers need to move on from the industrial age and look at the modern way to provide effective leadership... Read More
17 Nov 10
The comprehensive spending review (CSR) announced by the Chancellor George Osborne has been praised for presenting the perfect opportunity to launch the biggest ever programme of public sector reform.
17 Nov 10
The public sector may need to try and emulate the private sector if it's going to make all these cuts...